Colleagues in a Meeting

IELTS speaking test: Hobbies and skills

IELTS Speaking test : Hobbies and skills

Colleagues in a Meeting


The test has 3 parts and should take around 15 minutes total.

For Part 1, the examiner will ask you some questions about yourself and familiar topics. The questions are designed to get you speaking comfortably.

In Part 2, the examiner will give you a topic card with some prompts, and you will have 1 minute to prepare and then 1-2 minutes to speak about that topic.

Finally, Part 3 involves a more open-ended discussion related to the Part 2 topic. the examiner will ask you some questions to explore the topic in more depth. Please let me know if you have any questions before we begin. Okay, let’s start with Part 1.

TASK: Try to answer the questions. You could record your answers and then listen back.

Then compare with the sample answers below.

Part 1

Topic: Hobbies

  1. What hobbies do you have?

    2. How did you develop an interest in these hobbies?

    3. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor hobbies? Why?

    4. Have your hobbies changed over time as you’ve gotten older?

    Part 2 

    Cue Card Topic:

    Describe a skill you would like to learn.

    You should say:

    – What skill it is

    – Why you want to learn it  

    – How you could learn it

    – And explain how useful this skill would be for you

    Part 3

    Discussion Topic: Learning New Skills

    – What are some of the most useful skills for people to learn these days?

    – How have opportunities for learning new skills changed in recent decades?

    – Do you think it is better to learn skills through formal education or informal methods?

    – Some people say skills related to technology are most important now. To what extent do you agree?

    – How can schools better prepare students with practical life skills?


    Here are sample answers for each part

    Part 1

    What hobbies do you have?

    I really enjoy photography and hiking. Photography allows me to be creative and capture beautiful moments. Hiking gets me outdoors in nature which I find very relaxing.

    How did you develop an interest in these hobbies?  

    I got interested in photography in high school when I took a photography class. For hiking, I grew up going on family camping trips which made me appreciate being outside.

    Do you prefer indoor or outdoor hobbies? Why?

    I prefer outdoor hobbies like hiking because I feel cooped up if I’m inside too much. Being out in fresh air and nature is very rejuvenating for me.

    Have your hobbies changed over time as you’ve gotten older?

    My hobbies have definitely evolved as I’ve aged. As a kid I was really into team sports, but now I prefer more solo activities like photography and hiking that allow me to relax and recharge.

    Part 2

    Describe a skill you would like to learn.

    The skill I would most like to learn is playing the guitar. I’ve always admired skilled guitarists and loved the sound of acoustic guitar music. Learning to play an instrument is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

    I want to take up guitar because I think it would be an excellent creative outlet and way to relieve stress. Playing an instrument seems like such an enjoyable and rewarding hobby. I also think learning guitar would help improve my hand-eye coordination, concentration, and even keep my brain sharp as I age.

    To learn the guitar, I would likely start by taking some beginner lessons from an instructor to learn proper technique and music theory basics. After that, I could follow along with online video lessons and tutorials to keep practicing and expanding my skills. Having an instructor provide feedback, at least initially, would help make sure I develop good habits.

    Overall, being able to play the guitar would be extremely satisfying and provide a fun lifelong skill. Even playing simple songs and chords would give me a great sense of accomplishment. It’s a skill I could continually develop over many years.

    Part 3 

    What are some of the most useful skills for people to learn these days?

    In today’s world, skills related to technology are extremely valuable like coding, data analysis, and digital marketing. These allow people to understand and utilise current tools and platforms. Communication abilities like public speaking and writing are also crucial. Additionally, skills like time management, problem-solving, and critical thinking are always useful.

    How have opportunities for learning new skills changed in recent decades?

    The rise of online education has dramatically increased opportunities for learning new skills. People can now easily take online courses and get training through platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and YouTube on almost any topic. This has made it much more affordable and accessible to learn new skills compared to the past.

    Do you think it is better to learn skills through formal education or informal methods?

    Both formal and informal methods have their merits. Formal education provides structure, credentialing, and ensures you learn foundational knowledge. However, informal methods like online courses allow you to learn specific skills at your own pace for a lower cost. A mix of both is likely ideal for thoroughly mastering a subject.

    Some people say skills related to technology are most important now. To what extent do you agree?

    I agree that tech-related skills are extremely important and valuable in today’s digital world. However, I don’t think they are the only important skills. Skills like communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking will always be essential. A balance of technical and human-centric skills is ideal.

    How can schools better prepare students with practical life skills?

    Schools could place more emphasis on areas like personal finance, public speaking, time management, and other practical skills for adult life. Bringing in more real-world projects, case studies, and opportunities for applied learning would also be beneficial. Additionally, career counselling could help guide students towards developing skills for in-demand fields.

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