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IELTS speaking : Sport

IELTS speaking : Sport

The IELTS speaking test has various topics. Today we are looking at sport.

Firstly, look at the sports vocabulary and match it with the correct definition. (The answers are at the bottom of the page)

Then try and answer the questions as if an examiner was asking them to you. Try and use some of the vocabulary you have learnt in you answer.

At the end of the page there are some sample answers to the questions. Once you have read the answers, try again. Good Luck!

Vocabulary Quiz
Here are 8 words with the wrong definitions. Match the correct word to the correct definition.

1. Athlete  

   a. A contest to determine a winner, often involving the best teams or individuals in a particular sport.

2. Teamwork  

   b. The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.

3. Competition  

   c. A person who watches a sporting event, often in a stadium or arena.

4. Endurance  

   d. Ethical and fair behavior in sports, including respect for opponents and graciousness in winning or losing.

5. Spectator  

   e. A structured plan or routine designed to improve an athlete’s performance.

6. Training regimen  

   f. The ability to work together with others to achieve a common goal.

7. Sportsmanship  

   g. A person who is trained to compete in sports.

8. Championship  

   h. An event in which individuals or teams compete against each other for victory.

Part 1

1. Do you play any sports?

2. What’s your favourite sport to watch?

3. Did you play any sports when you were younger?

Part 2

Describe a sporting event you have attended. You should say:

– What the event was

– Where and when it took place

– Who you went with

– And explain why you enjoyed it or not

Part 3

1. Do you think professional athletes are paid too much?

2. How can governments encourage more people to participate in sports?

3. Do you think team sports or individual sports are better for children?


1. Athlete – g

2. Teamwork – f

3. Competition – h

4. Endurance – b

5. Spectator – c

6. Training regimen – e

7. Sportsmanship – d

8. Championship – a

Sample answer for the IELTS speaking questions:

Part 1

Examiner: Do you play any sports?

Candidate: Yes, I play football regularly. I join a local team for matches on weekends. It’s a great way to stay active and meet friends.

Examiner: What’s your favorite sport to watch?

Candidate: I really enjoy watching tennis. The matches are exciting, especially in big tournaments like Wimbledon. I like seeing the skill of the top players.

Examiner: Did you play any sports when you were younger?

Candidate: When I was in school, I used to play basketball. We had a team and competed against other schools. It was fun, but I stopped after finishing school.

Part 2

Examiner: Describe a sporting event you have attended. You should say:

– What the event was

– Where and when it took place

– Who you went with

– And explain why you enjoyed it or not

Candidate: I’d like to talk about a football match I attended last year. It was a game between my local team and their biggest rivals. The match took place at our city stadium in June.

I went to the game with a group of friends. We’re all big fans of the team, so we were really excited about it. The atmosphere in the stadium was amazing. There were thousands of people cheering and singing.

The game itself was very close. Both teams played well and scored goals. In the end, our team won by just one goal. It was really thrilling to watch.

I enjoyed the event a lot because of the excitement of being there live. Watching on TV is not the same as being in the stadium. The energy of the crowd and the tension of the close game made it a memorable experience. Also, celebrating the win with my friends was great fun.

Overall, it was an unforgettable day and reminded me why I love football so much.

Part 3

Examiner: Do you think professional athletes are paid too much?

Candidate: That’s a difficult question. On one hand, top athletes work very hard and have special skills. They also bring in a lot of money through ticket sales and advertising. But on the other hand, their salaries are sometimes much higher than people in important jobs like doctors or teachers. I think maybe there should be more balance.

Examiner: How can governments encourage more people to participate in sports?

Candidate: I believe governments can do several things. They could build more sports facilities in communities, like parks and gyms. They might also offer free classes or reduce the cost of joining sports clubs. In schools, they could increase the time for physical education. Maybe they could also use famous athletes to promote the benefits of sports to young people.

Examiner: Do you think team sports or individual sports are better for children?

Candidate: I think both types of sports have benefits for children. Team sports can teach cooperation and how to work with others. They also help children make friends. But individual sports can build self-reliance and personal discipline. Perhaps the best approach is for children to try both kinds of sports and see what they enjoy most.

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